Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bordeaux, France and Castles Oh My!

My first weekend trip while abroad in Paris was a trip to Bordeaux (to the Southwest of France). This is where Bordeaux wine is made! It was such a great first weekend trip. Another friend from my program went with me and it was a such a peaceful weekend.

Yup, I stayed in a hostel!
We literally spent the two days walking, walking, and walking. We stopped a few times to eat when needed and of course to taste real authentic Bordeaux wine. :) I know absolutely nothing about wine, but I do know that it was good.

The weather was warmer than Paris and the pace much slower. I was able to walk around without being pushed, bumped into, or cursed in French! Quelle chance! It was also the perfect first place to try out living in a hostel. The hostel was clean and full of neat people to chat with. Of course, I met someone I could talk about my beloved Morocco with so that was great.

Bordeaux, France

The next weekend our class took a day trip to one of the nearby castles. Dad always said I was a princess. I just hadn't found my castle until now!

Some friends in front of Fontainbleu Chateau

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